Rachel Mckinzie in Peru

“South America is an absolute gem. I feel like you could to there 100 times and not experience everything it has to offer.” Rachel McKinzie (@mckinzier74)

First Chile interview…on the board; thanks to Rachel! She’s also our first finance major, too, so she’s really checking off all the boxes. And honestly, this interview was pretty much cruise control. Rachel remembered her trip vividly, like she just got off the plane even though she’s been working at the Eaton Corporation since she graduated .

The Butler University alumnus is the current Study Abroadcast champion as far as interview length goes. I wish they were all this long.Logos & Wordmarks | Butler.edu

Thanks, Rachel!

It’s a great show, too:

  • Chile turns into South America
  • South America turns into earthquakes
  • Earthquakes turn into food
  • Next we’re talking about entering the workforce
  • And finally she talks about her return trip to the exquisite continent

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” — Neale Donald Walsch


  • Why Chile? 🇨🇱 [1:32]
  • Where specifically in Chile? 🗺 [3:24]
  • Moving around (and abroad) a lot as child 🚚 [5:07]
  • Living in Australia from age seven to age nine 🇦🇺 [5:30]
  • Going first semester, junior year 📆 [6:13]
  • Scholarships, grants received 💸 [6:30]
  • Setting up a direct exchange 💱 [7:15]
  • What classes Rachel was taking 👩‍🎓 [8:05]
  • Living situation and ‘a day in the life’ in Valparaíso 🏘 [11:45]
  • Seeing the rest of South America 🦜 [18:02]
  • Being grounded because of an earthquake 🛬 [23:10]
  • Chilean cuisine 🥘 [27:42]
  • Reineta fish & pisco sours 🐠 [28:53]
  • Chilean wine and touring a vineyard 🍷🍷🍷 [34:03]
  • Life after graduation 🎓 [35:38]
  • How studying abroad helped rachel get gain employment 👩‍🔧 [36:27]
  • Lonely Planet Chile & Easter Island  📚 [41:10]
  • The EVERYGIRL 💻 [42:50]
  • Rachel advice to perspective study abroad students 🙌 [44:19]
  • Her recent trip to Ecuador 🇪🇨 [48:45]
  • Revisiting Chile with her brother 👫 [51:56]

9 Peculiar Chilean Facts [Infographic]

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