Nick Trefelos Butler University

“No matter where people come from, they always have bad experiences that have taught them important life skills, and you can always learn from people by gathering and asking them what their experiences have been and what they learned from them.” Nick Trifelos 

Nick Trifelos

  1. Nick (@nick.triff) understood his international internship better than anyone I’ve interviewed to date, bar none.
  2. He went against the grain and traveled to Europe with a friend. (Why not, right?!)
  3. Him and his accomplice strategically selected their study abroad location as if they were setting out to conquer Europe. Really analytical stuff, but check out maps. Trieste is smack dab in the middle of it all.

Mic drop 🎤

“If I were to solve a problem, I would spend 99% of my time identifying the problem, and 1% solving it.” – Albert Einstein


  • Choosing to study with a friend in Trieste, a Northern Italian town with easy access to transportation around Europe 👫Refugee Bears Trieste, Italy


  • Using ISEP to study abroad via a direct exchange 💱[6:59]
  • School life and interning as an English teacher at the American Italian Association 👨‍🏫 [9:39]
  • 10 countries, 35 cities in close to 90 days of studying abroad 🇪🇺 [16:40]
  • Hectic transportation to hike in Zagreb, Croatia 🚘 [18:51]
  • Learning from other people’s experiences and journeys in a foreign country 🧐 [21:19]
  • Aperol spritz – the drink of Trieste 🍹 [23:13]
  • The high rate of studying abroad and other great assets of Butler University 🏫 [26:11]
  • Recommendations and final quotes 🙌 [27:45]

4 Ways To Travel Europe Infographic [Infographic]




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